Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Top Ten

Mac is officially 5 weeks old today. I just can't believe how fast this is going. It seems like I was just leaving the hospital with him...

So before I get too far removed from my pregnancy I decided to do my top 10 list of things I LOVED about being pregnant...

10. Having a little "shelf" to rest my arms on
9. Being able to get out of pretty much anything if I was too tired =)
8. Watching Mac rock out anytime I played Elvis
7. Maternity Jeans....elastic, though not stylish, is VERY comfortable!
6. Baby Showers
5. Being able to eat anything you want....guilt free!
4. Laying in bed while Eric talked to my belly
3. My big belly (I'm sure I complained about that one a few times though!)
2. Seeing Mac on ultrasounds and trying to figure out who he was going to look like (Daddy
1. Feeling Mac kick...I miss it =(

Now I also have a list of the things I have learned after having a baby....

10. Newborns are EXHAUSTING (go figure...)
9. The best sound you will ever hear is the first time your child cries
8. Breastfeeding may be natural, but it is not easy
7. When a baby is hungry he means NOW!
6. There are some great reruns on at 3am
5. The love you feel for your child is the most amazing feeling in the world
4. Eric, Mac, and I are so blessed to have so many friends and family that love us
3. Healing from a c-section was a lot easier than I expected!
2. I have the cutest/smartest baby....EVER!
1. Having a child is the greatest thing I will ever do in my life

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Amen to Number 9 on the pregnancy list!