Monday, March 30, 2009

Blah Day

Ever just have a "blah" day? Mac was NOT a happy little boy today. He cried and cried and cried. Nothing seemed to make him happy. We tried the swing, the bouncy chair, the stroller, walking, get the idea. And now that his little tear ducts are working it's so sad...his little face turns red and tears just roll down those chubby cheeks. It breaks my heart =(.

Our friend turned 30 today so a few of us decided to get together for dinner tonight. Now I do realize I had a baby less than 2 months ago and as I've said, I am pretty pleased with the post pregnancy bod, but I'm still female and I still have fat days! I should have NEVER tried to fit into some of my old jeans...that just made it worse! Most of my shirts are too tight to fit over "the girls" and the shirts that do fit just don't look right anymore. Pants are just not happening at really frustrated/upset me! I know this is just part of having a baby, but it's not fun. I don't want to go shopping and buy a bunch of clothes because even though I don't plan on losing weight I do plan to tone up a few areas so who knows what will fit me in a month or so...I think I need to just break down and buy a few staple items for the in between time (1 pair a jeans and maybe a few tops?).

Obviously, being a Mom is wonderful (all I have to do is just look at that sweet little face), and being able to fit into a pair of jeans is a superficial concern, but this part of the motherhood experience is not so glamorous. I just have to remind myself that I have to give my body time..and of course actually go to the gym!

Sigh...tomorrow's a new day =)

1 comment:

Byron and Kelly said...

Sorry for your blah day! Today is my turn! I woke up at 2:45 puking and now it is coming out the other end. Must be a stomach bug! Ugh, not fun!!!