Monday, January 26, 2009

Breast Pumps and More!

Okay, so I totally recognize and accept that I probably have NO CLUE how to take care of a baby, but there are somethings that are just really shocking to me...who knew you had to sleep in a bra when you breastfeed? Not me! I went to A Woman's Work to get a nursing bra (and only because friends told me I needed one BEFORE I have him) and they started showing me daytime vs. nighttime bras...huh? I'm sure the lady that was helping me wanted to go ahead and just call child services after the questions I asked her...I must have sounded like an idiot. And this whole breast pump thing? just looks frightening. I guess I should at least turn it on once to make sure I know how it works.

And I am completely in "nesting" mode now...I get pretty frantic about the house anyway, but I've taken it to a whole new level...I need everything to be perfect, in it's place, and all but sterilized or I just can't sleep (not that I sleep much now anyway). I've even gotten kind of neurotic about the Dreft/laundry. I keep thinking that if all his stuff needs to be washed in it, then doesn't mine too?...seeing that we will be in close contact?...It's so funny because one of my really good friends had her first baby about 6 months ago. At first, everything was sterilized and now if he drops the pacifier on the floor it either goes right back in his mouth or maybe a little wash off in the sink is there are any visible spots on it =)...

I love getting to go to the Dr. every week just means we are that much closer. Eric was laughing at me because I told him if I could just be dilated to 1 cm. I would feel like I had accomplished something! I would be so proud of me!!!! Too bad I have to be 10X that far to actually get a kid out, but have to start somewhere!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I just got home from the doctor. No progress. Nothing. Curtis asked me why my body hates him. Apparently, if I loved him I would go ahead and have this baby.