Wednesday, March 3, 2010

So Long....

I am sad to report that we have said a tearful "Good-bye" to Mac's night nap. Yes, it's true. My sadness stems from two things; first, it really has become one of the few times during the day that I can count on some cuddle time with Mac. The boy in him pretty much refuses to sit still anymore, but I know that a sippy cup of milk and comfy couch will get him to settle down for just a few precious moments of Mommy time. Second, it gives me an excuse to sit down too! I really am quite tired by the time 5pm rolls around after what seems like an 8 hour game of chase. It is just a nice 45 minutes or so of quiet, peacefulness in the Bethea home. Unfortunately I knew in my heart of hearts that it needed to end for quite sometime. Mac refuses to go to bed at a decent hour. Word on the street is that most kids his age head off to bed around 8 or 8:30pm if not earlier; my child is still up and ready to party until 11pm or later. Honestly, up to this point, not having him on a schedule has been great. We have been able to go see friends and not feel the rush to get home and get Mac in bed before he gets cranky, but now it's a whole other story. Eric and I are actually staying up later than we need to because Mac won't sleep.

All that to say, Good bye sweet night time nap. I will miss you...

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