Sunday, March 14, 2010

Long Days...

This has been the longest 2 weeks of my life. Mostly for reasons that I'm just not even going to get into, but lets just say time has never gone so slowly. Pop and Noni (my Dad and step-mom) kept Mac for us last night so we finally had a night to just rest and a morning to sleep in. So thanks for that!
We went to see Grandmama today after we picked up Mac and I think she is doing well. I cannot even begin to imagine the adjustment after being married to someone for 66 years. Eric is going to be out of town for a few days so Mac and I are going to just have a little sleep over at her house one night. I used to love sleeping on a palate in the floor at her house when I was little. Hopefully she'll let me sleep in a bed this time though =)
The weather was absolutely perfect today so while Eric worked in the yard, Mac and I played on the deck. I put on his swimsuit and busted out with the bubbles and a tupperware dish full of water...what more could a child ask for! He had a blast. Unfortunately I think that he is going to have his Daddy's coloring because after 5 minutes of sunshine, his little cheeks and ears were turning red, so we busted into the SPF 50.

1 comment:

Byron and Kelly said...

So cute! I have been thinking about you a lot! I am here for you if you need anything! Let me know if you want to do lunch soon! I need a taco salad from Gringo's soon! :)