Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Happy Birthday To You!

Happy birthday my sweet little man! Where has a year gone? As excited as I am to watch you grow and learn, I would give anything to have this year back and do it all over again. You have changed our lives in ways you will never understand until you are blessed enough to have a baby of your own.

Mac at the end of 11 months, on your first birthday:

-You are walking around all by yourself!

-Heisman is still your best buddy

-You no longer eat any baby food

-You drink whole milk now...and lots of it.

-Green beans, quartered grapes, and Goldfish are your favorite foods

-You try to be very independent

-You are all boy...not a delicate child

-You have learned how to say "dog"

-You still hate peas

-You weigh 24 pounds

-You like to wave "Bye-Bye"...and sometimes you will say it back

-You are learning how to clap your are already a pro at clapping your feet

-You wear mostly 12-18 month clothes

-You eat like a champ

-You are terrified of regular size footballs (daddy is concerned about your future as an NFL QB!)

-You make Mommy nervous when you try to kiss other kids because I am scared you are going to bite

-You have made this the best year of our lives

Your Daddy and I love you so much...Happy Birthday Mac


Anonymous said...

Hi Alana! I found your blog from Baby Bangs. I have a son, too, who turned one in September. I remember all of the emotions I felt during that time - you're not alone! And you're not crazy. :) Some encouragement, though...I think the months since his birthday have been the best yet! Have fun - and happy birthday to your little man!


Amanda said...

Happy birthday, Mac! Congrats on one year of motherhood, Alana! You're a great mom.

Jennifer said...

Aw, happy birthday Mac!

Unknown said...

What a great Mom and Dad Mac has! Every new day is an adventure with a one year old, and so much fun!!!
This year has gone by so fast, Nana loves Mac so much! I look back and wonder how 28 years went by so fast. Love you bunches, Mom