Monday, February 8, 2010

Emotions Gone Wild...

Apparently Mac turning one has made me into a big old ball of emotions. I heard the song "Chicken Fried" the other day and in the chorus it says "the touch of an innocent child" and I seriously teared up. Really??? Then today we were in our Mommy and Me music class and I was holding him while we were singing and I teared up because I started thinking about how he was going to be too big to do this one day. Fortunately no one saw me and I pulled it together. It really does make me sad that he is turning one. He needs me less and less everyday it seems like. I told Eric I can see myself giving him a bottle too long because it's one of the few times he is still enough to let me hold him anymore. I just didn't realize that the whole baby phase comes and goes to quickly. I mean, he will always be MY baby, but he's not a baby anymore. One of my friends told me the other day that life will be so much as he gets older...I just want to freeze time for a little while. I know that every month (or probably week at this point) I say "this is my favorite age/stage, so I'm sure I will love to watch him grow, but it is really stirring up a lot of emotions I didn't expect.
On a little more upbeat note, I have decided that every year on Mac's birthday I am going to write him a letter. Eric and I (and a lot of friends/family) wrote Mac letters before he was born. We sealed them, put them away, and one day I will give them to him. I don't know when...maybe when he has his first child. I like the idea of writing and sealing the letters because you feel like you can write the most personal of things to your child, knowing that no one else will ever see it (Eric and I never even saw each others letters).
Party plans are coming along smoothly. We are cheating a little bit and ordering a little bit of the food for Saturday. It will just be easier. I'm just hoping for a happy little man to show up to the party!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

I'm getting excited for the party...and I think we're all hoping that we get a happy boy and not Mad Mac. =) See y'all soon!