Here are a few random pictures from the weekend.
Adventures In Parenting
Moving on...
Last week my friend Amanda posted a little note to her daughter telling her all that she has done during this month of her life. Since Mac is nearing the end of his 8th month I thought it was such a cute idea that I’m going to be a little copy cat and draft one as well.
Mac, at 8 months…
-You wake up with a big smile on your face every morning
-You love laying in bed with Mommy, Daddy and Heisman every morning so we can all play together before our day starts.
-You LOVE to be naked…it is getting harder and harder to hold you down and get a diaper on that cute little bottom
-Your favorite snacks are Mum Mums and Puffs (Mommy likes them too!)
-You love all of the fruits that you have been given, but veggies are not your favorite right now
-At school, the teachers say you like to pull people’s hair at snack time and that you love buggy rides
-You can now drink from a sippy cup if you are laying down…you need a little help if you are sitting up
-All of Mommy and Daddy’s friends love it when Baby Mac comes out to dinner
-You have also learned that bubbles do not go in your mouth!
-You can get anywhere you want to by rolling on the floor
-You have just learned how to sit up by yourself after playing on the floor
-You wear mostly 6-9 month clothes, but they are getting a little snug
-You weigh 20.5 pounds
-You are not the best napper, but you are a great cuddler
-Your beautiful blue eyes light up every time your puppy walks by
-You get very sad if your puppy gets in trouble
-You wake up around 7:30 am every morning
-You love to yell “Da Da” all the time now
-You think it is so funny when Mommy dances around and acts silly
-You adore your Daddy
-You are the greatest gift that your Daddy and I have ever received
That was a lot to read, so take a break and enjoy some pictures!