Monday, August 10, 2009

Busy Busy Busy...

Wow...we had a busy weekend! After a frantic week of sickness and house cleaning I had my sister's wedding shower at the house on Saturday. It actually turned out really well! She is having a black and white wedding with red accents so I tried to do the same with the shower. I love throwing showers/parties, but I always forget how stressful it is right before. Fortunately everything worked out well. She got a lot of great/useful gifts so I'm happy for her:

My sister has reached that phase of the wedding planning where it is no longer fun and you wish it was just over! (all you married gals out there know what I'm talking about) It is so unfortunate that there is always so much stress surronding a wedding. I remember wanting to pull my hair out by the time Eric and I got married...I think we both slept more on our honeymoon than we have ever slept in our lives! It's so hard to look past all the "stuff" and see the light at the end of the tunnel...she's got less than 2 months until the wedding so hopefully she'll make it! =)

Since my Aunt Barbara was in town we went to dinner after the shower and of course Mac had himself a good old time. He even got to sit in his first resturant high chair.

I love this looks like Uncle Travis is helping Mac decide on an entree:

Sunday morning was interesting...Mac decided to throw a huge temper tantrum as we were getting ready for church. He didn't want to put clothes on and then once his shoes were on he tried his hardest to rip them off. Fortunantly by the time we got to church he was happy as could be...I guess I would be too if I was the only baby in the nursery and got the undivided attention of 3 women!

That afternoon I went to my friend Malisha's birthday party at a place over in midtown called Pinot and Picasso. It was so much fun. They teach you how to paint and mine was pretty good! Eric was actually impressed...or so he says =) is a picture of Mac and Malisha

And here is a group picture after we finished painting:

It was a very busy, but a great weekend overall! Here are some more pictures...enjoy!

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