Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Umm...we had a little accident

Last Monday Eric and I decided to take Mac to our neighborhood pool for a little swim. When we got there we noticed that the baby pool was empty and decided to take him in there. We were in the pool for about 5 minutes when I saw the lifeguard get off of his stand and VERY slowly make his way over to us. This kid says to us in the most monotone voice "Umm, the baby pool's closed." We kind of thought he was kidding and we just looked at him slowly started getting out of the pool. Eric asked him if he was serious and the guy says "Ummm, yeah, we had a little accident." I immediately realized that not only had some kid pooped in the pool, but that we had most likely just put our child in a pool filled with massive amounts of chlorine! I asked him if they had shocked the water and his reply, again completely monotone, "Yeah...you may want to go shower off." Oh well, I guess no one's skin fell off so I think that we'll survive =)

Now here's a question for any of you computer savy people...something is wrong with my blog; everytime I try to post a picture the "link"for the picture pops up instead of the picture itself. I used to see the actual image but now something like this pops up: b ref"4=month....etc, etc. It's a really long thing and I don't know how to fix it! I have also lost the button that allowed me to edit the font...HELP!!!!

I actually just back from College Station this morning...Mac and I made a quick overnight trip up there to take Heisman to the vet (long story). We got to have lunch with the Cargill's:

And then we got to spend the night at my cousins house. I really miss College Station sometimes.

And last but not least...here are some pics from the past week:

Visiting Daddy at work:

At the mall with his cousin Matt:

Taking a nap with his cousin Morgan:

Tummy Time with Heisman:

Mac's new back pack from his cousin Lizzie:

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