Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy First Father's Day to Eric! My hope is that Mac grows up to be just like his daddy...I look at the two of them together and it just makes me smile.

My little man is in the process of losing all of that gorgeous dark hair. He kind of has the bald man look going on right now. Every time I kiss him on top of the head I end up with a mouthful of hair! Maybe all my kisses have made him go bald! =)

He also enjoys a good game of peek-a-boo with Mommy

Mac is growing so fast. He has gotten pretty good control over his big old head and has even shown some attempts to roll over. But my favorite thing now is Mac's laugh. He gets so tickled and it just makes my day!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Oh my word, Alana, he is so cute. Those eyes! And those lips! He is adorable and I love his little sounds.