That night we went and had dinner over at Eric's uncle's house in Evergreen. His uncle and cousins are always a good form of entertainment. They are hilarious. We had a good time.
Come hell or high water I was determined to go to Vail while we were there. It was so cold, but we drove over on Saturday for some shopping/lunch. It is such
a gorgeous town. We used to spend to 2 weeks each summer up there when I was in high school and I always loved it. It has really changed a lot though. They have done a lot of construction since the last time I went. Still beautiful, just different. This is a picture of Eric and I in Vail Village.

I have to of the best parts of our trip was going to see the Air Force Academy! Eric has
always told me how beautiful it is, but I was amazed when we got there. But to start off our visit; we got our car searched by a guard, so I was pretty much on edge from that point on =). Our friend Phillip is a Freshman at the Academy and he plays football there as well. He was nice enough to give us a tour. It was really interesting to hear and see some of the things that most people wouldn't know/see! One of the most beautiful things on campus is the Chapel. It's basically an all faith's chapel that serves every religion.
It's a very odd shaped building from the outside, but it's just remarkable when you walk in. In this picture there are no lights on. This is just how the light hits the stain glass. It is such a unique building. I don't know why I found this so surprising, but there is also a cemetery on the campus. I'm not sure who is allowed to be buried there, but the grounds are very pretty.

That day we also went to some place with rocks?? (I can't remember what it was called). It was nice to be
able to walk around. And it was actually warm enough in the sun to go sans jacket. It actually reminded me more of New Mexico than Colorado. Lots of red rocks.

There are lots of wild animals up in Colorado that we got to see...buffalo, elk, deer...but the coolest by far were the Rams. They are amazing in person. I didn't realize just how big they are. And their horns are huge! We actually thought that they were statues at first. We pulled up probably a foot away from them in the car and they just stood there and looked at us. I guess they realize that they would win in a fight so why run =)
. It's funny because the whole time I was thinking about how Heisman would be dead if he had of come with us. I could just see his little wall-eyed self running up to them wanting to play...needless to say it would probably not have worked out in his favor....

Well, that was pretty much our trip. Other than the weather it was fun (for those of you who know me well, you know that I am NOT a cold weather person...i.e. anything below 70 is WAY too cold!).
I feel the need to put a picture of Heisman...don't know why, but look at how cute he is! Here is one I got of Heisman and Eric sleeping one morning...kind of sad, but so adorable. And the other one is of Heisman after he had a good time ripping up some magazines...just try to stay mad at that face! 

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