Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ah Ha!

One of the most rewarding things about being a stay at home mom is getting to be a part of the "Ah ha" moments. All those split seconds in the first few years of life when a kid figures it out. The first time I saw it was when Mac learned how to roll over. There was this look of shock, surprise, pride and accomplishment written all over his face. Here are just a few of the great accomplishments that I have been privileged to witness first hand (some of which were caught on film):

1. Rolling over
2. Taking his first step
3. Turning on his favorite toy
4. Saying his first words
5. Drinking out of a straw
6. Learning body parts
7. Clapping his hands to the music
8. Climbing up on the couch by himself
9. Recognizing a theme song to his favorite show and running to see it

That being said, some of his new discoveries are a tad less desirable and/or coming at inopportune times. For example:

1. Learning to flush the toilet while Mommy is using it
2. Taking off a diaper while it is full of poop
3. Pulling the latch on the dishwasher while it is running
4. Shoving his hand down his throat and gagging when you are not giving him enough attention
5. Discovering that if you pull the last piece of toilet paper the roll it spins (and running away before I can grab a square)
6. Finding that sticking your hands in the toilet bowl makes a really cool splash

Anyone else notice that a lot of his great discoveries occur in the bathroom? Such a man!

And in case you want to know what the "Ah ha" face looks like...well here it is.

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