Friday, March 18, 2011

Mr. Chatty

Mac has turned into quite the chatter box lately. My favorite way to end the day is to lay in bed with him and ask "What did you do today Mac." And from that question I get the following 15-20 minute response: "I sa ma da e oh kick da wa se ba Elmo. Sky. Sky. Sky!!!! No da eeech oh see da ba mach ou oh bird. Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet!," etc, etc, etc. The entire time he has the most serious look on his face as he describes in great detail the events of his day. Car trips have become pretty funny too. He LOVES trucks (although he pronounces them with an "f" instead of a "tr" sometimes). Driving down the freeway consists of Mac finding a truck (he particularly loves the 18 wheelers) and saying "Hi my big (red, blue, yellow or whatever color it happens to be) truck." He waves his little arm as fast as he can and his face lights up. Then after 3 seconds of pure joy you hear "Bye my big (insert color here) truck!" Then sadness takes over and I have to promise him we will find another truck very soon. He has started to say "My" in front a lot of his statements too. Whenever we see a red car he gets so excited and says "My Daddy car!" And when Eric leaves the house Mac waves and says "Bye my Daddy." It's very sweet. But I think my favorite is when we are out in the backyard. Thanks to one of his Elmo videos, Mac is very aware of and excited about anything in the sky. He loves to show you the sun, the moon, the birds, and most of all the planes! I swear he can hear one a good 30 seconds before anyone else. We'll be playing and he will drop everything, look up and yell "Plane!" I never see one but I have quit telling him there is no plane because within a few seconds one magically appears. Then Mac raises both hands in the air and says "Hi" and waves to the plane until it is gone from sight.
One thing we really need to work on though is him saying "Go away!" Oddly enough, he picked that one up from watching Oscar the Grouch on Sesame Street. It started out being really funny. Mac would have a snack and you would ask for a bite. He would laugh and say "Go away." Well now he thinks it's hilarious to tell people to go away and he won't stop. He even says it when he's mad and actually wants to you go away. The problem is, it's so funny to hear his little high pitched voice give you a command that it's hard not to laugh at him.
In Ellie news, I will officially be 6 months on Sunday. I had my dr.'s appointment yesterday and everything is looking good. She is a lot more active than I remember Mac being and other than a few annoying pregnancy complaints we're moving along pretty smoothly. I bought a Joovy Caboose sit and stand stroller and decided to let Mac try it out. It took about 5 minutes for him to get the hang of it and we spent the next hour giving him rides around the house. We finally had to fold it up and put it away because Mac wouldn't leave it alone. I guess I made the right choice!

And I will go ahead and use this time to clarify...some people have asked if she will go by Ellie or Ellie Grace. It's Ellie...NOT Ellie Grace. I love Grace as a middle name, but it sounds a little bit too country to use them both. So, just to get it out there, her name is just Ellie =).
Here are a few pictures of Mac from St. Patty's Day. He got to enjoy a fun day with his BB, Uncle Kevo and cousin Sheldon! And yes, that is a beer mug St. Patty's Day necklace my 2 year old is wearing. He insisted on having his new favorite accessory for the day. Hopefully we can leave it behind for church on Sunday!

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