When he is crawling on the floor at home (which is usually scattered with baby and/or dog toys) Mac doesn't try to crawl over the top of the toys anymore...he actually stops, picks them up, and moves them out of his way. I know this probably doesn't sound like a major milestone, but I am just amazed to see him grow and learn! He has even started slapping my hand away when he doesn't want me to play with his toy (probably not a good habit to start). I really feel like he is starting to show some signs of independence which of course makes me happy and sad all at the same time. He is really growing faster than I could have ever imagined.
Another thing that is really growing is Mac's hair. It's starting to look like he has a shaggy little mop on his head. It's over the top of his ears at this point and he even has a few of those cute little curly fly-aways in the back. It's time for a hair cut! Unfortunately somebody won't let me cut it until he is officially 1. I try to tuck it behind his years and part it to keep it out of his eyes, but it's not going to last much longer. His birthday is on a Friday and that next Tuesday (they are closed on Mondays) he is getting it cut.