Mac always loves going to my Grandmama's house. You would think that it would be for the gigantic toy box full of anything you could possibly want to play with, but no. Other than his love for her, this is why Mac enjoys his visits so much:
The woman feeds him while he lays on the floor! Actually, she feeds him in pretty much any position he wants to be in. I always laugh when I take him over because I know we will be skipping the next meal because he is stuffed with whatever chocolate covered dessert she has made. She has a cabinet full of ever plastic continer she has ever purchased (sour cream, butter, etc) and Mac has the best time playing with them. I guess we've wasted a lot of money on toys!
Do you ever feel like you are always going somewhere??? I'm the first to admit that I am not a good traveler. I don't like to be gone from my house for more than a few days. I miss my house, my dog, and my bed. And to be completely honest, I pack such a ridiculous amount of clothing that even a weekend trip requries me to take the biggest suitcase I can find. So you can only imagine how much I take for a week long excursion. For those of you who know my husband, you know that from late August until December or January (based on whether or not the Ags actually decide to play and make a bowl game) we are always out of town on the weekends. It's not a complaint...just a way of life. About 2 weeks ago, since the Ags weren't playing at home, we decided to take a plane trip to Colorado to go see Eric's Mom and brother. I told Eric we need to get all our plane traveling in before next February so that Mac can still fly for free! We left late Wednesday night and were lucky to be on a plane that was half empty. Mac had a blast. The rows in front of and behind us were empty so he could get away with doing pretty much anything he wanted. We spent the next two days in Evergreen and Boulder visiting Eric's mom and brother and on Saturday we took a mini vacation to Vail. Just the two of us. Of course once we got there we missed Mac terribly, but it was such a nice little get away. Our major accomplishment is that we somehow managed to survive a 20 mile bike ride down Vail Pass. And when I say down, it does not mean down hill. The bike rental company told us it was a downhill ride and we would only have to pedal for a few minutes the whole ride...LIAR! It ended up taking us about 2 hours to complete and all I know is I did a lot of pedaling! When we got back from lunch we were both pretty tired and decided to take a nap. Our nap turned into us refusing to get up for dinner and ordering room service because we were so exhausted. It was really fun to just get to hang out and lounge around though. And Mac just hated being the center of attention! Eric's Mom kept him while we were away and I think she wore the child out. I think he went to bed by 8 pm every night...which is unheard of in the Bethea home. It was a good trip. Since I was 3 weeks late last month posting Mac's monthly report, I'll get this one in a day early:
Mac, at 20 months:
-You weigh 28 lbs -You know the colors red, blue, and white -You love cars and birds -You enjoy dancing naked in the back yard while Mommy sings Itsy Bitsy Spider(yes, I let him) -Your 3 favorite songs are "Itsy Bitsy Spider", "Ring Around The Rosy", and "Shoes" (a Yo Gabba Gabba Song) -You have your own unique style of dance that I have yet to see anywhere else -You like to stand on your head -You said your 2nd sentence: "Thank You BB." -You recognize your friends and family by looking at their pictures -If I ask you for a smack you give me a big kiss -You think it's funny when Daddy smells your stinky feet -You speak in your own language that no one else seems to understand -You call Elmo, "Melmo" -You love babies -You have learned how to undress yourself, diaper included -You love to sing into your microphone -You peed in your big boy potty -You are still the most photographed baby in the world -You insist on double fisting milk and juice -You don't like to be fed, you want to do it yourself -You attended your first college football game with your buddy Caleb -You love to ride on airplanes -Your teachers always tell us what a sweet boy you are -You are still the greatest thing that ever happened to your Daddy and I!
Here are a few pictures from our trip and some randoms: