Thursday, February 25, 2010

Updates and Lyla....

I am not a fan of the updates on Facebook. Let me clarify this...I like your status updates. I like to know if you're having a great day, or a bad day, or if your kiddo decided to smear chocolate pudding all over your brand new white couch, but typically I don't care that "John Doe is now a member of the group I hate purple hats and people that wear them." Not to say that I don't care about your interests dear friends, but I think most of you get what I'm saying.

Having said that, every once in a while, something will catch my eye. Last night when I logged in, I saw a few friends had joined the group "Praying for Lyla Grace." I clicked on it to see what it was about and it broke my heart. I won't go into the whole story but if you are interested please go to Unfortunately for this family, the story will not have a happy ending. This sweet little girl is quickly losing her battle with cancer. There is nothing more powerful than the thoughts and prayers of a mother experiencing what no one should ever have to endure...the loss of a child.

But there is something you can do to help...a photographer named Christie Lacy took some beautiful pictures of the family a few weeks ago and is offering "A Portrait Party for Layla." Here's how it works:

"Hostesses open up their homes and gather friends to fill designated time slots for 20 minute photo sessions. Hostesses enjoy their session free and earn free prints based on the number of people that book. We bring our mini studio to you.

Portrait Package includes: One 20 minute session
5-10 digitally enhanced images to choose from
One 8X10 Fine Art Print
VIP Pricing on additional purchases

Cost: $50 per child with $25 going towards Layla's family
(this is a LIMITED event to help support a wonderful Cypress family in a time of great need! The price for portrait parties will NEVER be this low again)

I have signed up to host one these events and will hopefully be selected for a date in April. Please let me know if you are interested in doing this. You can comment on here or feel free to email me at What a great way to help out this family!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

This is a great idea. I'll tell Amy about it and maybe she can do this too.