Okay, I have had friends tell me that around the third trimester it dawns on you that this baby has to come out one way or another. I know it sounds stupid that a 27 year old health major has just realized where babies come from, but it's true....and it's not a pretty picture! Of course, I have known all along how this process will ultimately end, but it's just hit me that it is actually going to happen....to ME! The other thing I don't like is the idea of the pain meds. Now I know all you mothers out there will get a good laugh at this one, but I really don't want any! It's not like one of those "She-Ra"/Warrior Princess things either. I just don't want them. Now, I am NOT saying that I will not gladly take them...I may even walk into the hospital backwards so that they have easier access for an epidural. I'm just saying that at this point and time I would prefer not to. Compared to some stories I have heard, my Mom had pretty "easy" births with me and my sister (4 or so hours for me and less than that for my sister). Now my brother was a different story, but I think it was still only 8 hours for him (I'm sure if you talk to her "only" is not the word she would use). I hear about these women who have 48 hours of labor or more and think surely if someone can stand being in labor that long then I can take 3 or 4 hours! Here is where my logic is a little off....I don't' get a guarantee of short or easy labor. I just assume if that's how it was for my Mom that's how it will be for me.
Again, I hear the laughter exploding from all mothers, but I actually want to know what it feels like to give birth. Again, no kids here, but there is obviously an end to the pain so you just push through, right....? I know how naive this must sound, but I really am curious. The pain is not going to actually kill you (it may cause you to try to kill others...i.e. the husband), but in and of itself it will not kill you.
And here is the other side of my thoughts...I don't like pain! I am a big baby! I got a cramp in my foot the other day and you would have thought that the world was coming to an end (just ask Eric)! But here's my theory on that...I had no reason to push through that. I could suck it up or I could lay on the bed and whine and let Eric give me a foot rub! Does that even make sense??
And here is my other problem...I made the mistake of watching a birthing video and thought my eyes were going to jump out of my head...it did not make me feel good! It is no pretty, it's painful, and it's just plain gross! I know that none of that will matter once he is here, but in the mean time I know that I'm starring this right in the face!
Oh well...I guess we'll find out in about 12 weeks (I'm actually hoping for about 9 little man!) to figure this whole thing out. And by the way...that freaks me out too! They are actually going to send Eric and I home with a baby! These are the same 2 people who slept on a futon for 2 weeks when we got Heisman because we were scared he would fall off the bed and die! Oh yeah, we are going to be really calm parents, huh? =)...
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
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Hey chica,
Truth is, this is totally normal. About this point in pregnancy, I started freaking out about all the ripping and tearing involved. It just seemed so brutal. But honestly, a little ripping won't be nuthin' to you after contractions have been going for a while.
Everyone has a different labor story, but here's mine: I am a weenie. I got an epidural at 2 cm, when I wanted to hold out till 7 or 8. But I was induced, and what they told me was that the pitocin makes your body work like you're farther along in labor, then the dilation catches up later. Plus, I was really shaking at 2cm, which is not supposed to happen until you hit transition, at 8cm. So my theory is that because of the pitocin + my body already being in labor a bit on its own, I was in the pain of a further-along labor, but it took my body a few minutes to catch up (but then it sped along, and I dilated like 5cm in two hours).
The epidural was heaven. I recommend it to people who are on the fence, because what it did for me was help me conserve energy for the pushing. I even got to sleep for about an hour. Then I pushed really hard and often for three hours before I had my c-section, so the rest was helpful to me.
And here's the other thing. Having done both (labored and the c-section), I would MUCH rather have delivered the baby vaginally than surgically. The recovery is so much faster, and once you have that baby, you can focus on the kid instead of when you are allowed to walk up and down stairs and drive and bend over to change a diaper. Plus, recovering from an episiotomy/tearing ain't nothing compared to major surgery and feeling like your insides are sloshing around for a week.
But in the end, however the baby comes out is FINE, as long as everyone is healthy. I have friends who have had 10-lb. babies with no drugs and friends who had epidurals and everything in between.
As for what contractions feel like, someone described it as being like a leg cramp from your abdomen down. That is pretty accurate, except you get breaks in between cramps. :)
Our childbirth instructor made the comment that childbirth is the only time in your life that pain has a purpose, an end goal. (I would add teething to that.) It is true, and that can help you think more positively about it.
Hey Alana! I just wanted to say that if you are wanting to do a natural birth, you should totally look into getting a doula to help you through the birth process. I think when women have that extra encouragement they are more set up for success. I don't know how many doctors or hospitals will allow you to do that, but you might want to look into it if that is your goal. Or you could find a birth class that really specializes in natural childbirth. Anyway, congrats on your pregnancy! What an exciting time for you and your hubby!
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