Sunday, November 29, 2009
Ride'em Cowboy
Flat tire....but it did give Mac the opportunity to show off his new jacket and shoes.
The next day we headed over to Athens so that Mac could see the animals and he loved it! My great-uncle Glawson has tons of different animals up there. We always loved visiting when we were little. I wasn't sure how Mac would react since he had a meltdown at the zoo, but he seemed to be amazed by everything around him. We went to go see the clydesdales and a mule first.
He always have some not so normal farm animals...this time, it was a few Watussi. Their horns are so thick. He said that they will try to use a few of them to ride in the rodeo (for bull riding).
We went over to the Ponderosa to see some horses too. They put a lead rope on one and brought him out for Mac to see. He was the sweetest horse. We stood there and petted him for a good 20 minutes, Mac sat on him, and then they saddled him so I could ride. I got up on the horse and decided to take a quick picture with Mac...and of course and that exact moment the horse decided it did not want to us up there. He started kicking and jerking back hard enough that I was afraid to be holding Mac up there. I don't think I have ever held onto him so tight. Luckily, Eric was able to grab him and I just held on for a few seconds until he calmed down. After that he was fine. I rode him around for about 15 minutes with no was a little scary though...
I was a little disappointed because I wanted to see them cut the horns on the cattle that morning, but we had to get new tires on the car and got a late start...but I got a we actually have horns that have been "sawed off" for our Aggie household.
After lunch we went with my brother to ride on the 4 Wheeler. I forgot how much fun that is!
We went to see my great-Aunt Ruth at her camp house that night and Mac got to meet his cousin Paxton. Paxton is 9 months older than Mac, but they are about the same height. I'm not sure that either one of them really knew what to think about the other:
We got to eat up at my Aunt Ruth's resturant, Port-Au-Prince and he was definantly the hit of the night. I am so thankful to have such an easy and, for the most part, well behaved little boy...
We had a really great time and it was so great to see some of my cousins that I don't think I've seen in years. We are heading back up there in January for my little brother's birthday and I can't wait!
Here are a few random pictures from the weekend.
Monday, November 16, 2009
9 Month Check Up
Mac always seems to have a blast at the doctor's office...I am really thinking about buying the kid a roll of doctor's office paper for Christmas. He rips it, throws it, wraps himself up in it, tosses it in the's just a grand time for him. I'm sure the nurses just love that, but I clean up when we're done.
I am also excited to report that Mac has a "word" for me now. He calls me "Mmmmmm." He's trying. He will just be sitting there saying "Mmmmm" until I turn around and look at him. He has also started raising his hands in the air when he wants to be picked up. He just sits and waits for someone to come and get him...
I also wanted to give everyone an update about my friend Joe Houston who went missing 3 weeks ago today. They found Joe's body this morning in the cockpit of the plane. While I know that the best situation would have been for Joe to be rescued and have an amazing story to tell, I am just so thankful that he was found to provide closure for his friends and family. Please continue to keep his fiance, Jenn, and all involved in your prayers. Instead of planning her wedding, she will be attending his funeral. Jenn has been a pillar of strength throughout this whole ordeal, posting prayers and thoughts on facebook. Personally, she has been a true inspiration and an example of who God should be in all of our lives.
Today was also the 10 year anniversary of the day Bonfire fell at A&M. It is one of those moments in life that I will always remember. It was my freshman year at A&M and I lived in a dorm directly across from the fields where the stack went up. I still remember getting phone call after phone call and people running up the halls knocking on doors in the early hours of the morning. Standing out at that sight and seeing those massive logs, knowing that people were trapped beneath them was heartbreaking. 10 years ago today, the families and friends of 12 people were completely turned upside down. Remember those people today....
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Good Mommy
Moving on...
Last week my friend Amanda posted a little note to her daughter telling her all that she has done during this month of her life. Since Mac is nearing the end of his 8th month I thought it was such a cute idea that I’m going to be a little copy cat and draft one as well.
Mac, at 8 months…
-You wake up with a big smile on your face every morning
-You love laying in bed with Mommy, Daddy and Heisman every morning so we can all play together before our day starts.
-You LOVE to be naked…it is getting harder and harder to hold you down and get a diaper on that cute little bottom
-Your favorite snacks are Mum Mums and Puffs (Mommy likes them too!)
-You love all of the fruits that you have been given, but veggies are not your favorite right now
-At school, the teachers say you like to pull people’s hair at snack time and that you love buggy rides
-You can now drink from a sippy cup if you are laying down…you need a little help if you are sitting up
-All of Mommy and Daddy’s friends love it when Baby Mac comes out to dinner
-You have also learned that bubbles do not go in your mouth!
-You can get anywhere you want to by rolling on the floor
-You have just learned how to sit up by yourself after playing on the floor
-You wear mostly 6-9 month clothes, but they are getting a little snug
-You weigh 20.5 pounds
-You are not the best napper, but you are a great cuddler
-Your beautiful blue eyes light up every time your puppy walks by
-You get very sad if your puppy gets in trouble
-You wake up around 7:30 am every morning
-You love to yell “Da Da” all the time now
-You think it is so funny when Mommy dances around and acts silly
-You adore your Daddy
-You are the greatest gift that your Daddy and I have ever received
That was a lot to read, so take a break and enjoy some pictures!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Praying for Joe and Jenn
I think the hardest thing would be not knowing. If Joe does not survive this I just pray that they are able to find him to be able to provide closure to everyone involved. Just keep them all in your prayers...
Sunday, November 1, 2009
The Talking Monkey
Mel took some pictures of Mac that turned out so well:
That afternoon we headed up to HFBC for the Fall Festival. I actually spent every Halloween night there growing up so it was fun to have Mac sped his first Halloween doing the same. I was pleasantly surprised that Mac let us keep the costume on him for about 15 minutes to get pictures. It felt great outside, but being in a lined, furry monkey suit with fuzzy feet and a wooly looking head was just too much for anyone to handle. Mac had some friends from his music class stop by to play and I was also excited to see old friends and meet their little ones for the first time.
Fellow blogger Amanda and her little girl Annabeth (who is about a week older than Mac):
Mac and Pop:
Noni, Grandmama, and Mac
Mac and his Great Grandparents:
My Dad, laying on the ground just to make the boy happy...makes me smile!
The 2 Eric's (actually I guess the 3) with Mac and Caleb:
Checking out the petting zoo:
It was a good day! Mac was quite cranky by the end, but that's a lot for a little boy to do in a day...
Mac has started something new..."talking"! He has started saying Dada incessantly since Friday. Eric of course loves it! I think that Eric and I are both being referred to as Dada, but I'll take what I can get!